Project reference: 2011-1-HU1-GRU06-03650-2

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Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg

Lifelong Learning Centrelogofvg2
Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg
ADDRESS: Via Napoli, 4 33100 - Udine (Italy)
Tel. +39 0432297909
Fax +39 0432297033
For more information
Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg is a Life Long Learning Centre in Udine (Italy), engaged in adult education and training. It aims at being a cultural and formative resource for the whole community, stimulating the learners to an active and fruitful participation and offering courses, proposing initiatives, projects and contributing to their implementation.

Contact: Alessia Fabbro - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



Agenda 21 office - Municipality of Udine

Agenda 21 office - Municipality of Udinelogofvg2
U.O. Promozione della salute e dello sviluppo sostenibile
Ufficio Agenda 21
Tel. +39 0432271525
For more information
Agenda 21 is an international agreement about sustainability and participation, promoted by the UN since 1992. Municipality of Udine joined the international Agenda 21 network in 1999, and has been working on specific projects ever since. Agenda 21 projects deal with sustainability about environment, society, economy, in order to achieve a better life quality through an integrated approach: since ICT tools can provide innovation in education and participation, the "OUTDOOR ICT" project will be useful in stakeholders involvement and results enhancement.

Contact: Andrea Romanini

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